Monday, February 27, 2012



Should a woman chase or pursue a man in dating? First of all, we should define and use the right terms. Is a woman chasing after a man simply because she smiles? Is she pursuing a man just because she shows herself to be friendly? Is she throwing herself on a man just because she may initiate or engage in conversation with the man?

Why are we sometimes so quick to judge and condemn when most times we don’t know the whole story? How is it that we can sometimes be so narrow-minded when God is so openhearted? How much more kindness could we show if, instead of condemnation, we showed consideration by using more appropriate terminology for the situation. Instead of the assassination of her character by saying that she’s chasing, pursuing, or throwing herself on a man, maybe we’d see more innocence if we could see how she “presents” herself to a man.

There are bible ways that a woman can present herself (or be presented) to a man without the appearance of chasing, pursuing, or throwing herself on the man. I thank God that He is a God of variety. He’s not “stuck” on doing all things according to religion or tradition. In fact, Jesus said that it is because of religion and tradition that so many make the word and power of God of no effect (Mark 7:13).

I understand and respect the accepted tradition that the man should go after the woman. Whatever works for you, FINE! But I’m also glad that the bible shows us that God is a little more “open” to other harmless, innocent, and even “divine” ways of putting together a man and a woman according to His divine knowledge and purposes for our lives and ministries. In Genesis 2:18, God said,

“And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him” (Genesis 2:18),

God foresaw man’s need for a woman, and HE did something about it. He did not wait for the man to fix the problem; HE did something about. He created the woman, and HE, GOD presented the woman to the man.

“And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof; 22 And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man” (Genesis 2:21-22).

The very first “hook up” (as we say in today’s dating terms) was God presenting the woman to the man. Notice that is was GOD who brought the woman to the man. He did not wait for the man to find the woman. He did not hide the woman in the Garden for the man to search out and discover. In another incident, Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for his son, Isaac (Genesis 24). We see in the book of Ruth, that two women worked together to get Ruth married.

As I look back in my own life, I thank God that a particular woman was bold enough to “flirt” with me. She was one of those “High School Queens” that a shy and timid person like myself could only fantasize about dating her. Years later, she saw me, approached me and initiated conversation with me. I matured a lot since high school, but I was still shy and timid (to put it mildly). Looking by hindsight, if she had not have presented herself to me, I would have missed out on what was absolutely the “greatest” love and romance of my life (to that point). Thank God for His “open mindedness”!

Courtesy of Cliffton Hubbard, Author of:
What Whoso Findeth A Wife Really Means